New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What steps would you take to get a tech job with no experience?

Ask HN: What steps would you take to get a tech job with no experience?
2 by profile53 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN! I've worked in medicine the last 4 or 5 years but with COVID and more importantly its second/third order effects on healthcare, I've been considering making a change. That being said, I have no professional experience in tech. I'm fairly well self taught, know a few different programming languages, git, how to use linux, etc. But, I have no "professional" qualifications. So, my question is two fold: - For anyone who is a hiring manager, what would make you consider a candidate with no experience and a degree that is not tech related? - For anyone who has made this sort of switch, what did you do to become a better candidate & get a job? (US based, for the curious)