New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why is Reddit so awful?

Ask HN: Why is Reddit so awful?
3 by recursion | 6 comments on Hacker News.
The website itself, not the content. Although I'm just a casual user of Reddit, it's hard to avoid the fact that Reddit is absolute garbage. It seems to me as everything they've done in the past few years is to the detriment of users; especially with them following the trend of writing it all in a shiny SPA (that doesn't work half the time). Apart from constant connection errors, lots of the time the site "forgets" I'm logged in, then all a sudden remembers, actively bombards users on mobile to install their app (even though the site could work fine on mobile, alas they are probably trying to crank their app install numbers up), uses dark patterns all over the place and is just generally unpleasant to use. Thank goodness for but I don't know what all of the users who have starting using the old subdomain are going to do when they eventually shut it off. Really makes me wonder as a small time dev what's went wrong in Reddit the company to produce this absolute garbage site. Just my 2c of course, and this was just a small list of the problems, I'm sure if you really wanted too you could spend all day listing them. Interested to find out what others feel.