New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What tangible benefits did you get from spending time on HN?

Ask HN: What tangible benefits did you get from spending time on HN?
2 by ElectricMind | 0 comments on Hacker News.
For a few weeks, I am doubting if HN is another "user engagement" place like you know Reddit, FB etc. It seems a waste of times (to me) as I don't see any tangible benefits I am getting out of it. So I would like to know if any of you have such experiences. I am specifically looking for stories like: 1) I posted this project and I started some company. Sold it or earning a lot of money or living my dream 2) I was hired because of my post on HN. 3) Girls chasing you because of your reputation as HN or met your wife because of your cool project ( Please don't hate me for this) Basically money, power etc.. Forgive me for being blunt but I am not looking for "10-sec fame". I mean one day you got traffic 100K on the website. Good. But just for one day. Also, I am not sure blogging count as a tangible benefit unless it is paid service. I hope you understand my point. Also intellectual debate, I get more information, I feel smart as benefits etc. don't count in this context.