New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: SaaS founders, how long did it take you to get your first customer?

Ask HN: SaaS founders, how long did it take you to get your first customer?
3 by Choc13 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Interested to know how long it took other founders to acquire their first users, paid or unpaid. It seems like there comes a point in every project where you’re left wondering whether to persevere and keep improving the product to attract a user or to accept that you’re just not solving a big enough pain point and move on to something else instead. I would be interested to hear how others have found this and how long they kept going for before finally getting some traction. For a bit more context, we’re working on something that solves a problem that one of us had in a past role, and we hear the typical feedback of “yeah that’s cool, would use it if it had X”. So we feel like we’re solving something real and we’re just not sure whether it’s the product that needs more development or the problem just isn’t big enough, or something else entirely.