New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: LLVM vs. C?

Ask HN: LLVM vs. C?
6 by danielEM | 6 comments on Hacker News.
What does LLVM have that can not be achieved 1 to 1 in C? And what does C have that can not be reproduced 1 to 1 in LLVM? And when I say C I mean tcc, sdcc, gcc, clang and other C compilers. It feels to me like C should be superior to LLVM and allow to do anything that is possible to do with LLVM, but maybe I'm wrong? (asking about it due to all that "fuzz-buzz" about zig going for C as its main target) Would appreciate real down to the ground answers, not a sense of how things work or generalizations - as that will introduce unnecessary noise in judgement of comparison.