New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Anyone else disinterested in Reddit API drama?

Ask HN: Anyone else disinterested in Reddit API drama?
20 by throwarayes | 26 comments on Hacker News.
Like I get it, Reddit has historically been more open. But I just find the drama boring. Most people don't use 3rd party apps. Most people browse Reddit through an official UI. Instagram, Snap, a bazillion other private social networks don't have 3rd party apps. And with OpenAI, etc, you can't just give away the community's content to train LLMs. I didn't sign up for that when I posted on Reddit. I'm going to continue to use Reddit. I can imagine the most impacted folks are Mods, thus Mods are in a position to make a big splash with their complaints. But do 99% of users really care? Or even know what Apollo is? The histrionics have gotten a bit out of control...