New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Everything Needs a Tldr

Tell HN: Everything Needs a Tldr
2 by blunte | 0 comments on Hacker News.
TLDR: anything without a TLDR is not worth reading, or be aware you are trading your attention for words of unknown value. ((Reinforcement of TLDR: if you are reading something online which does not clearly tell you what it is about and a strong hint of its conclusion, then you are likely just a pair (usually) of eyes with advertising value.)) A "tldr" gives us the punchline at the start, before we waste our obviously valuable time reading paragraph after paragraph drivel (which exists only to sell something, eventually). In ye olde days there were bookstores, and you could flip through a book, TLDRing your way toward the end. If you found enough sections of value you would buy it. On the web, we can't flip (unless it's a PDF, which may even be worse). This is a public service announcement. Your time, which effectively is the currency of your life, is probably more valuable to you than to some corporate entity. So use it wisely, and terminate quickly your attention on websites which don't really provide something.