New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Does Moore's Law apply to RAM and if so, is it finally ending?

Ask HN: Does Moore's Law apply to RAM and if so, is it finally ending?
3 by LeoPanthera | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I noticed recently that if you start with 32K in 1980, a reasonable amount of RAM for a personal computer at the time, and then double it every 2 years, you get a surprisingly accurate track of the "normal" amount of RAM for a personal computer in that year. 1M in 1990. 32M in 2000. 1G in 2010. And... 32G in 2020... which while not unreasonable does suddenly seem quite high. And in 2022, you get to 64G, and I don't see many home computers with that much RAM. So why have we suddenly slowed? Do we have "enough" now? And it just took 40 years to get there?