New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Good resources for learning x86 assembly?

Ask HN: Good resources for learning x86 assembly?
2 by Svetlitski | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I'm looking for something along the lines of "A Tour of Go" [1] or "The Rust Programming Language" [2], but for learning x86 assembly. Searching the Internet for x86 resources turns up a large number of web pages (often for a university's operating systems or security course) introducing only the simplest basics. On the other hand, I'm aware of reference materials such as Agner Fog's instruction tables [3], but these are intended for reference, not for acquiring proficiency. One more point to clarify is that I'm comfortable with assembly in general, but I'm not well-versed with x86 assembly in particular and am thus looking specifically for resources on x86. I would greatly appreciate any pointers! [1] [2] [3]