New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Any good SPAM email reporting services?

Ask HN: Any good SPAM email reporting services?
3 by sebastien_b | 5 comments on Hacker News.
I often get spam at my work email - no floods (just a few a week) because I've been very careful with my address, just the annoying, persistent spammers that I never signed up for (either directly or via related 'services'). I suspect most either just do dictionary guesses of email addresses, or (more likely) simply try addresses based on scraped LinkedIn data. Given how careful I've been with my address, and that it's my work address, I kinda take these spams as a personal invasion of my inbox (not to mention that it violates local laws). I've used SpamCop[1] in the past, though I have my doubts of it having any real benefit; and lately I've found that some reports are being sent to a 'nulled' address that ends up being used only for their internal statistics (so those reports go effectively nowhere) Are there any other (good) alternative services to SpamCop? Or how do you deal with repeat spammers? P.S. Yes, I could "unsubscribe" from their spam, but I have 2 issues with that: 1. It confirms to them the email is real, which I don't want to do, and... 2. I never subscribed to their spam in the first place, so I don't see why I should now be bothered with having to unsubscribe. Plus if they were able to add my address to their spam list without me providing it, they should just as easily be able to remove it without it being provided - hence me using SpamCop instead. [1]