New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: I can't remember the name of this SaaS product

Ask HN: I can't remember the name of this SaaS product
2 by Fractal_HQ | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Sometime last hear I stumbled upon a Show HN for a new SASS product. The pitch was- a hosted platform to store a websites "copy" text. The text is then easily editable via some WYSIWYG by clients on the SASS's website, then consumed by the customers website via API. I'm currently feeling a bit annoyed by constant requests to change small bits of copy. If I could just send my clients a link and let them edit the copy directly without involving me, that would be great! Ideally the service would be able to shoot a webhook to github to trigger a re-build to keep the SSG'd pages up-to-date. Can anyone recall a similar service? Netlify CMS would likely be great, but it is more than I need for something this simple. I have most of my websites hosted on Vercel anyways. I've used a great git-based CMS called before - but I'm having issues with it and am curious about other options, which reminded me of that Show HN. Thanks in advance!