New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How important is it to have a 'About' page for your product or project?

Ask HN: How important is it to have a 'About' page for your product or project?
2 by vanilla-almond | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I've seen many SaaS services from (presumably) small companies or individuals where the product website omits location, the person or people behind the product, and even the twitter account gives no indication of company location or who is behind it. I understand the privacy aspect, but I simply would not feel comfortable purchasing a (paid) product if I don't even know who is behind the product. As a customer , how much info do you expect to see about the people behind a project or product when you visit their website? Interested to hear of you thoughts as a customer, a product creator, or both. If you are a user or customer: Which of the following do expect to see in the 'About' section of a website? (Feel free to indicate whether you expect this for commercial or open source or both) - At least one or more person names behind the project or programme - Profile or mini biography of one or more people - Mini biography of the project or company - Country location (is this irrevelant if you are a 'digital nomad'?) - Address Anything else? If you are the person behind a product - How much information do you provide on your 'About' page? - How much do your feel comfortable sharing? - Are there any reasons why you don't share some details? (e.g. your location, your name)