Ask HN: Choosing a language to learn for the heck of it
3 by bsg75 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I'm a technical manager, which means I do a lot of administrative stuff and a little coding. The coding has become a nice distraction when I need to take a break. For "real work" I write mostly Python, a lot of SQL, a little bit of Go, and some shell scripting to glue it together. I'd like to learn something I have no need of for work. If it becomes useful later, that is OK, but not a goal. The goal is in creating something just for fun. That something is undefined, so general purpose languages are the population. I have become curious lately in Nim, Crystal, and Zig. Small, modern, high performance languages. Curiousity comes from the cases when they are mentioned here, sometime for similar reasons I list above. Nim is on top of the list: Sort of Python like, supported on Windows (I use Win/Mac/Linux), appears to have libraries for the things I do: Process text for insights, play projects would use interesting data instead of business data. Crystal does not support Windows (yet), but appears to closer to Ruby. Its performance may be a bit better. Zig came on my radar recently, I know less about it, compared to the little I know of the others. Suggestions on choosing one as a hobby language?