New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is “lowtech” and “up to date” mutually exclusive?

Ask HN: Is “lowtech” and “up to date” mutually exclusive?
3 by sunsipples | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I'm getting older. I like wood fires, boats, a slow ride on an old motorbike, growing my vegetables and reading. I have said before, this is as close to social media as I am willing to step. I really do like RSS feeds but reading them is a battle of brevity and inundated with images/video/advertising/tracking. I have no problems with seeing an advert. I do not want them tailored to me personally. I am also very aware that some sites depend on the money from ad clicks to keep afloat (how do I avoid them?). I have switched to a stripped down, locked down, image/js/tracking/google/facevook/social media blocking Frankenstein of a firefox setup. I am amazed how much more is required to show less online at present. I regularly use elinks but still rely on the broken mess of jibberish I am sometimes presented through my firefox browser. Does such an option/service exist to identify text only sites within a search or strip all the mess away before I have to get it? An addon or business/app/subscription who can filter my search/selection and just send the text body to me would be great, would this damage the content providers to the point I become the evil information thief? Am I actually able to stay up to date with my low tech preferences?