New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Where do you find potential customers to validate your idea / MVP?

Ask HN: Where do you find potential customers to validate your idea / MVP?
2 by showsover | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Where do you find people to validate your idea / MVP and get feedback from? I've been building something over the past year that primarily scratches my own itch and I'm getting ready to use it myself but I was wondering how I could see if other people are interested in this as well. I've read about landing pages and MVPs so that's kinda what I did: I've made something small, usable, that solves a single problem with myself as my user persona (i.e. scratching my own itch). The problem I'm running into now is that I can't seem to gather any useful feedback and I don't know where to get that feedback, or how to get it. There are a few people registered on my site but none actually active enough for me to try and reach out to them. How do you get feedback on your project / MVP without spamming HN or reddit in the hopes that one or two people leave a comment? P.S. A fiverr clone for product owners or analysts might be what I'm looking for here.