New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What do you think about business logic to code execution?

Ask HN: What do you think about business logic to code execution?
3 by white | 2 comments on Hacker News.
We've built an internal tool that allowed our business owners to create and edit the logic, that becomes executable, and no longer depends on engineering resources to modify. Here is an example of what we use for business logic on selecting a driver for delivery from the pool (it is slightly simplified - it's essentially the set of basic operations, ifs, cycles, and set of input data, process variables, and output data). Take a look here We maintain this in the versioned diagram that can be pushed to Lambda + API gateway, and essentially the platform code relies on that endpoint to provide a response. For the project we are using it for, it allows us to make adjustments to the process without depending on engineering; another use case is pricing -- override and experimentation. Again, the engineering team thinks it is cool and wants to productize it. I would really appreciate any feedback or ideas.