New ask Hacker News story: How do you start a company outside the reins of big tech these days?

How do you start a company outside the reins of big tech these days?
6 by alirsgp | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I'm a SWE and I want to start a company that's not beholden to the daily whims of big tech. Right now I do iOS dev, but at any time Apple can disable my account and my entire livelihood is gone. I don't mind using services like GCP or AWS, because the cases I hear of those platforms banning devs is few and far between. I also don't mind using something like Stripe for payments since I can in theory always replace them. But if I make an iOS app, I am always scared I will wake up to bad news. I used to be a writer, and my Google Adsense account got disabled 6 years ago. So I'm still living with that PTSD today. 6 years later and there's still few alternatives to Adsense. The problem I see is that we're so glued to our phones, that I'd have to build my own hardware if I want to distribute my own software. Big tech is so ingrained into our daily lives that I feel powerless.