New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why do you think you want a promotion?

Ask HN: Why do you think you want a promotion?
4 by prashantgupta24 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Some options that I thought of: 1. Fear of being left behind (if everyone else got one you need one too) 2. Need more challenging work (you are not challenged enough in your current rank) 3. Capability of influencing the company a lot more in higher roles (a promotion means you get to make a lot more critical decisions which have a bigger impact) 4. Validation of hard work (if you have worked hard you deserve recognition in terms of promotion) 5. Compensation for an average life (if you are not happy with your life then you try harder to succeed at work) 6. Success at work can only be measured by rank (more promotions = more success) 7. Money