New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Mobile-first” databases that sync to a central server?

Ask HN: Mobile-first” databases that sync to a central server?
3 by saurabhnanda | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I keep hitting the following problem over & over again: - Build a mobile app (mostly some sort of CRM/ERP kind of app), where ALL the features need to work offline - This means that all the data (for the currently logged-in user) needs to reside on the mobile device. - This also means that any CRUD operation needs to hit the local data-store first, and should be synced in the background with a remote data-store. - This also means that if the user signs into another mobile device, a relevant subset of the remote datastore should be "restored" on the mobile device. - Probably a few other subtleties that I haven't thought through yet. Is there any stable/production-grade DB that solves this problem? Bonus points if it's an RDBMS, because building reports for a CRM/ERP is 10x easier on top of an RDBMS vs a document/JSON DB.