New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Self-hosted lightweight wiki engine suggestions? (MoinMoin alternative)

Ask HN: Self-hosted lightweight wiki engine suggestions? (MoinMoin alternative)
2 by ciprian_craciun | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I have quite a dilemma: since 2008 I've been running a personal MoinMoin wiki instance, which I've used (up until 2015-2018) for everything from notes, bookmarks, knowledgebase, publishing, presentations, projects, basically almost everything involving transcribing thoughts into words and research; however since 2015-2018 I've transitioned away from it to a custom Bash script that just ties together `dmenu` / `rofi` with `howl` / `sublime` and streamlined my workflow further (although dropping any wiki syntax and web integration); unfortunately by switching to a "local" workflow, none of my snippets and other useful links were "shareable", thus I thought to revisit the wiki engine landscape of 2020 and see what options are out there. And unfortunately I can't quite find a suitable MoinMoin replacement, so I thought I'll ask the HN community for advice. [See my comment bellow for what I'm searching for.] As a sidenote, I was quite disappointed, as it seems that wikis have (except for a few notable cases like GitHub or Wikipedia) have been largely replaced by Wordpress clones... Thanks for all the feedback!