New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Notion or TiddlyWiki for free a * personal * wiki?

Ask HN: Notion or TiddlyWiki for free a * personal * wiki?
4 by NerDProgrammer | 3 comments on Hacker News.
A bit of backgroud, I have been searching for a well suited personal wiki for some time. I am a programmer and I am well versed with linux and open source. Over the course of searching for the perfect software for my purposes, I came across Notion and TiddlyWiki. Notion( and TiddlyWiki( both look super good for a personal knowledge base. Looking at the feature sets, both of them look highly customisable. For my purposes, I have been fascinated by Zettelkasten and hence, I was trying for a software which can be linked to it, to Roam or Obsidian or something else. I plan on keeping a personal wiki and then taking out core ideas from them into my zattlekasten. Notion being great out of the both wihtout the need to do many things to make it useful. Great sync feature and unlimited storage for a free Personal plan. TiddlyWiki on the other hand also has great features and amazing customisability. It's open source, so it's more flexbile if one knows how to code. But setting up TiddlyWiki has a learning curve. So, what's the take of the HN community over Notion or TiddlyWiki, which one do you prefer and why so ? Here I am trying to especially look for a software for keeping a personal wiki. If you have some other alternative to the following two, please feel free to share.